No, Netcapital cannot make any investment recommendations.
Netcapital cannot make any investment recommendations. Any public statements on our website, social media accounts, or elsewhere should also not be construed as such.
Although we collect information on each company we list on our site, each investor must rely on their own examination of the company, the terms of the offering, and the risks involved in order to make an investment decision. We encourage you to read through our section on the risks involved in purchasing securities in private companies and to do your own due diligence on each company before making an investment decision.
- Netcapital’s job is to connect issuers with investors only as an intermediary.
- Netcapital cannot give any advice that would be considered investment banking services.
- We cannot recommend a share price.
You will want to pay particular attention to the terms of the offering, review the details of the company's offering, and thoroughly review the risks of Section 4(a)(6) investments and the risks specifically associated with the target company before deciding whether the investment fits your portfolio and risk profile. It is important that you consider investments carefully and invest amounts that you would feel comfortable losing.