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Netcapital Help Center
Private Investing
Getting Started
Netcapital Basics
Private Investing
Funding Rounds
Private Investing
Making Investments
Payment Options
After Investing
Payment Status
Payment Methods
Common Issues
Private Investing
Explore the basics of investing in private companies with Netcapital
How does ownership of my shares work?
Making Investments
Is there a limit to how much I can invest?
What is the process to invest as an entity or under a trust?
How do I invest on Netcapital?
When will I be charged for my investment?
Are my funds held in an escrow account?
Can I add to an existing investment commitment?
Can I subtract from an existing investment commitment?
Why is my investment commitment still being held in escrow?
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Payment Options
How do I pay for my investment commitment?
What are my available payment methods?
What is a Netcapital Wallet?
Do I have to fund my Wallet?
Can I invest with a check?
Can I invest through an IRA?
Can I invest on Netcapital using another financial services company (i.e. Fidelity, E-Trade, etc.)?
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After Investing
How do I determine the value of my shares?
What happens when my investment commitment has been fulfilled?
What do I do if the company I am interested in has sold out?
How do I get updates on my investments?
Do I get a paper stock certificate?
Will I receive tax forms for my investments?
Can I invest additional funds after a company's offering closes?
I changed my mind. How do I withdraw my investment commitment?
How do withdrawing investments and refunds work on your site?
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